Monday Motivation: 10 Acts of Intentional and Daily Self-Care

Monday Motivation: 10 Acts of Intentional and Daily Self-Care

Happy Monday peeps! I hope your weekend was relaxing, peaceful, and bliss! My weekend was all I hoped for plus a little more!

Today I wanted to highlight 10 acts of intentional and daily self-care. The past few weeks have been heavy, draining, and emotional as the life of George Floyd was publicly witnessed; and other innocent black lives, such as Breonna Taylor, continue to be unrighteously taken. While we must continue being vigilant, informed, and active on our current social and political climate, taking care of ourselves is just as important! I don’t mean a few hours of one day and none for weeks, I mean intentional and daily self-care.

The past couple of weeks I slowed down A LOT on working out and was so tied into social media content of Black Lives Matter, that I didn’t notice. Truth be told, I had no energy or determination to do so. Working out is my utmost therapy after prayer, so, identifying my lack in doing so put things into perspective. Everyone recuperates in a different manner and pace, but while doing so, try these 10 acts of intentional and daily self-care.

: : 10 Acts of Intentional and Daily Self-Care : :

  1. Read your scriptures first: With so much going on in our world, from ongoing worldwide racism to a global pandemic, checking CNN and Instagram can easily be the first thing we interact with when we awaken. Find hope and motivation in the scriptures. God never fails us!
  2. Drink water: Staying hydrated is vital. Water is essential to our health as it helps with our digestion, skin health, energy, and so much more. I need water, you need water, WE ALL NEED WATER!
  3. Fuel your body with fresh and nutritious foods: Although inconsistently working out, I ate very healthy. As always, I had my cheat days and thats okay! It’s all about balance. So don’t forget to fuel your body well so that you can feel well!
  4. Move your body: This will be my biggest focus this week—lets be real, every week! But its time to hop back on the saddle and stick to my goals.
  5. Keep up with your skin goals: Skin is in! For the longest, soap, water, and lotion with cocoa butter was my skin routine. Be better than me– cause that ain’t it! One good thing 2020 has brought me is a day and night skin routine. Although I was highly blessed in the skin category, my skin looks and feels its healthiest!
  6. Don’t forget those lovely tresses: It so so so easy to neglect our hair but our tresses need all the love. While still practicing safe measures, I recently got a blowout and much needed trim. My hair is also the healthiest its even been BLOWN OUT and CURLY! Shoutout to Ryane Adams owner of Alluring Vibes Studio. Check her out here. ()She has transformed my hair for over a year now! Give your hair ALL the love it needs, sis!
  7. Check on your family and friends: I have found the most comfort in my family and friends these past weekS, and I hope you all have to. We have uplifted each other and showed love for one another in the most simple and thoughtful ways. I have made it my top priority to check on all of them because times are tough and you just never know the depth of someone else’s truth. Check on all your family and friends!
  8. Limit your screen time: If you have been following my instagram, then you know my phone was out of commission for a few days. It was unplanned, but ended up being a blessing in disguise. I had not faced such an impactful and unforeseen intercession in a long time. I had forgotten my allotted screen time rule, and this week it is being reinforced. I highly advise you all to try this. Its works and its a healthy act!
  9. Do something fun: You owe this to yourself. Smile, get out, be alive. We still only have one life to live and it matters! This weekend I hosted my momma friends and their littles for a playdate. We all had a blast!
  10. Rest: As a wife, mom of a toddler, and full time nurse practitioner with a blog to maintain on the side, I know all to well how important sleep is! As should you. Functioning on little to no sleep defeats the purpose of all the above intentional and daily acts of self-care. So get your 6-8 hours of sleep nightly!

I hope your week goes by a lot smoother this week than the last few. Most importantly, may it be self-care focused. Be well!



  1. Elizabeth Olorunsogo
    June 15, 2020 / 5:36 pm

    Love this! all simple but intentional acts.

    • angel.ohonba
      June 15, 2020 / 6:43 pm

      Thank you! The goal was realistic and simple.

  2. Claudine Texada
    June 15, 2020 / 10:14 pm

    Yes, Reading those scriptures! I start my day with scripture my daily devotions makes that it easy….! God is a life saver!!

    • angel.ohonba
      June 16, 2020 / 12:28 am

      Absolutely, Claudine! He never fails us!