Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Becoming a mother has been my greatest achievement thus far! At this point in my life, I cannot recall anything making me feel the way I felt when I first met my son. I gained one of many crowns when I gave birth to Isaiah!

Today, I wanted to take the time to wish all moms of every form a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! So here is my Mother’s Day Note for 2020:

Dear Queen,

Happy Mother’s Day! There aren’t enough hours in a day to express any amount of gratitude for the sacrifices you make. Accept the applauds and compliments you will receive today. You have worked so hard to earn ALL of them. Be prideful in your work. Today is your day and I hope you are gifted with love, appreciation, and gratitude.

To the new moms, find strength in yourself and lean on your community of mom supporters. You will find yourself making decisions for your child that are different from those of your mom, aunts, grandmother, mother-in-law, etc,. and that is just fine! Raising children will look different for every generation but hold on to their wisdom and experiences. It just might align with you millennial perspective! One more thing, let your body heal and treat it well! If you do so, it will return the favor!

To the moms with a child in the NICU, I see you, I feel your hurt, and your struggle. I never knew what it felt like to be on your side of the fence… fear, anxiety, weakness, separation, hopelessness, discouragement, uncontrollable tears, and the list goes on. I want you to know you have every right to feel the way you feel and you owe no one an explanation or apology! But I know you have the strength it takes to remain by your little miracle’s side. So get up every day and fight for them until victory is WON! I pray your little one defeats every battle and and returns home soon! Hang in there!

To the women who aspire to be mothers… Remember our God is omnipotent and has planned a WILL that is perfect for YOU. Continue to submit your prayers to HIM and simply believe in God’s promises.

To the moms who have lost a child, I pray you find peace, hope, guidance, healing, and understanding. May you continue to be keep your head held high and remember that God has a plan for each of us!

If I have left out any categories, I apologize. Just know that I am proud of you and hope you know how powerful and inspiring you are. May you continue to be uplifted and empowered!

May you all have a blessed and joyful day! Much love!
