Daniel Fast Anyone?

Daniel Fast Anyone?

The past few months have been mentally, spiritually, and physically draining for me, and I’m certain I’m not the only one. Some weeks I have it all together while other weeks I simply just cannot get it right. I know this is normal and part of life, especially my life being a mom, wife, and full time nurse practitioner . . . O and when time permits, a blogger/influencer. But, I am yearning for some deep spiritual cleansing and healing that will also enhance my mental and physical well-being. In short, I need a shift, clarity, guidance, control, balance, and consistency in many aspects of life. In order to receive these things, I know I need spiritual discipline in prayer and fasting.

Starting today, I will be partaking in The Daniel Fast. My experiences with The Daniel Fast has left me with holistic benefits each time. Usually I do this annually days after my birthday in January. My immediate family are often the only ones to know so they can support me, and not be offended by my tough decisions to refuse my favorite foods they prepare. Yes, we are that family, that culture, those Nigerian and Cajun people! And I love it! Anyways, sharing this made me skeptical until I realized I am not alone and extending an invite is the least I can do. Right?

For those of you who aren’t aware, The Daniel Fast is a partial fast based on The Old Testament, Book of Daniel. You can read the following scriptures: Daniel 1:12 and 10:2. In consists of extended prayer and consuming essentially a more restricted plant-based diet for 21 days. Some may do it for 10 days or 40 days. I know it can be rare and uncommon to fast during this time of the year, but if you’re feeling like me, then maybe you should consider.

Years ago on a weekly call with my late MawMaw Helen, her and I went into depth about fasting and prayer. The conversation sparked because I vented to her about my struggles in nursing school and how I felt the need to fast, except, I felt discouraged to do so. She followed by explaining that she fasts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the year; with the exception of her health conditions changing or being jeopardized. I was jaw-dropped and puzzled as to how my 80 year old MawMaw Helen was fasting that often. It shamed me but it also inspired me. She explained to me that fasting has to be something you are willing to make sacrifices over, commit to, and listen to your spirit when it calls for it. Act on it and make it purposeful. Fasting and prayer provides healing and has endless power. Lastly, she noted that biblical fasting is not about the food, its about drawing nearer to GOD and having meaningful encounters with HIM.

Many of you may be thinking theres no way you can do this fast even though you feel you need it. You may also be thinking July 4th is around the corner so I definitely cannot do it. I for one will NOT be celebrating 4th of July for the first time in my life to stand in solidarity against the movements fighting against systematic racism and injustices targeted at black people. My people. Thats an entire different post. But let these inequities and unjust murders black people are enduring be a reason to fast. Let the uncertainties of COVID-19 be a reason to fast. We are living in unprecedented times and facing humanitarian issues. We need warriors of prayer, faith, and purpose.

If you are interested below you will find a simple guide to help you prepare and succeed in the Daniel Fast.


  • Spiritual Preparation: Seek God for purpose and direction for your fast. Maybe theres a need for career guidance, marital challenges, parental burnout, financial stress, or friendship/relationship struggles. Prime yourself so that when you begin your spirit is ready.
  • Physical Preparation: It is often recommended to taper off foods that are to be avoided at least a week before you being your fast to avoid withdrawals. Caffeine and artificial sugars withdrawals are commonly experienced during the first week of fasting if this step is skipped.
  • Mental Preparation: Simply put, eliminate distractions. Now isn’t the time to create gourmet meals that will interfere with the importance of the fast. Distractions can come in a forms. Identify them and limit or eliminate them.

Allowed Foods

  • All foods from seeds: all fresh frozen, dried, or canned vegetables and fruits; all whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds; all nut butters; and healthy liquid oils such as olive oil.

Foods to Avoid

  • All meats and and animal products including seafood; all dairy including eggs and cheese; all sweeteners; all processed and refined foods; all deep fried foods including chips; all solid fats such as margarine

Allowed Beverages

  • Water, water, water, and water. Use berries, lemons, and mints to spruce up your water if needed.

Beverages to Avoid

  • Alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol

A few important notes. Read your labels. If you have any medical conditions, prescribed medications, or under medical care, you must consult your provider first. You can begin fasting at any time and end at any time. Your first time you will make mistakes and it’s okay. Just keep moving forward. Fasting is a challenge so it’s not meant to be easy and it takes time to master. Don’t forget your scriptures and prayers. I will be using my bible of course and continuing my studies with “The Bible in 52 Weeks: A Yearlong Bible Study for Women” by Kimberly D. Moore.

I hope many/all of you will join me, and if not, maybe next time! This posts will be available as resource to you!
